Zero gravity seats

A zero gravity seat is a type of seat designed to provide maximum comfort and minimize pressure on the body while sitting. This term is often associated with spacecraft or airplanes, where these seats are designed to minimize the negative effects of gravity on the human body. However, today these ergonomic seats are increasingly being used as part of the luxury equipment in personal automobiles.

Have you ever wondered why you feel exhausted after a long journey? It may surprise you, but our bodies get tired when we stay in one position for too long. Fatigue increases even more if poor posture is added to the mix. To provide maximum relief during travel, so-called zero gravity seats (Zero Gravity Seats, ZeroG Lounger, Nuage Seat, etc.) have been developed. Similar seats can be found in wellness centers or first-class airplane cabins.

example of a zero gravity seat 

Zero gravity seats are designed with human anatomy and biomechanics in mind, helping the human body achieve a neutral spinal position. Thanks to their unique shape and construction, Zero Gravity seats reduce stress during travel. Seats in the zero gravity position improve blood flow to the limbs, reduce muscle fatigue, and decrease pressure on the shoulders and back. These effects contribute to overall relaxation and provide optimal comfort during the ride.

principle of zero gravity seat function

Some zero gravity seats have integrated safety belts, allowing them to be used in a reclining position even while driving. The horizontal body position during driving is problematic from a safety perspective. Therefore, BMW introduced a special type of airbag called the Cocoon Airbag in connection with the ZeroG Lounger concept. In the event of a collision, it is designed to wrap around the entire body and protect it.

An integral part of zero gravity seats is the extendable footrest, which completes the feeling of weightlessness. It can usually be controlled separately.