Zero gravity seats

A zero gravity seat is a type of seat designed to provide maximum comfort and minimize pressure on the body while sitting. This term is often associated with spacecraft or airplanes, where these seats are designed to minimize the negative effects of gravity on the human body. However, today these ergonomic seats are increasingly being used as part of the luxury equipment in personal automobiles.

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V2L (Vehicle to Load)

V2L technology allows the electric car to provide AC power to external appliances such as lights, laptops, electric scooters, electric saws, grills and refrigerators. In short, when the power grid is unavailable, the user can use his electric car as a mobile source of electricity.

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Carbon dioxide CO2

Carbon dioxide has become synonymous with the environmental friendliness of car transport. In recent years, however, CO2 has only been given a negative label. At the same time, it is a non-toxic, inert, colourless, tasteless and odourless gas. CO2 is a normal part of our lives. It is formed by the reaction of carbon with oxygen, for example in a process called combustion, but also in ordinary human breathing … what do you know about it?

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